Keystage 3 Private Tutors in Bournemouth & Poole

Tutor on Target provides experienced private tutors / private teachers in Bournemouth & Poole  to help children aged 11-14 to reach their full potential through lessons on a face to face or online basis.

Private Tutors in Bournemouth & Poole for KS3/4

Secondary school pupils

Key stages 3/4 Subjects covered

Secondary English Tuition
According to each pupil year group and learning needs, secondary English tuition will follow the KS3/4 National Curriculum and involve the teaching of vocabulary, grammar, spoken language, text reading and comprehension and written composition.

Secondary Maths Tuition
According to each pupil year group and learning needs, secondary maths tuition will follow the KS3/4 National Curriculum and involve also the teaching of using numbers, sequencing, decimal numbers, fractions, percentages, ratios, probability, algebra, equations, perimeter, area, volume, angles, circles, symmetry and interpreting data.

If you’re looking for an experienced Secondary School Maths or English Tutor in Bournemouth or Poole to help your child reach their full keystage 3 & 4 potential, please contact us now.

Other KS3 Subjects Tutored:


If your son or daughter has missed some school recently or is struggling to understand one or more of the subjects listed above, please call Tutor on Target for an initial chat about your child’s home tutoring requirements. 

Marc is simply the best tutor ever. In one year, my son has gone from not knowing the alphabet, struggling with reading, spelling and writing to be at the expected level for nearly everything as he enters Year 6. I cannot vouch enough for how Marc has helped my boy go from a nervous wreck to having confidence in all things English. Truly an outstanding performance from both pupil and tutor!